Universal page , work in progress

lamina profunda

SECTION Item or Ref ID Value or text
Official Latin term lamina profunda fasciae temporalis
Official subsidiary term deep layer of temporal fascia
Unit identifier TAH:U1726
Unit type pair
Materiality material
Latin terms
Official term
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
lamina profunda (par)
Specific pair (formal)
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis (par)
Left member
lamina profunda asciae temporalis sinistrae
Right member
lamina profunda asciae temporalis dextrae
Internal term
lamina profunda
TA98 main Latin term
a04.1.04.015 lamina profunda
English terms
Official term
deep layer of temporal fascia
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
deep layer (pair)
Specific pair (formal)
deep layer of temporal fascia (pair)
Left member
deep layer p layer of left temporal fascia
Right member
deep layer p layer of right temporal fascia
TA98 English equivalent
a04.1.04.015 deep layer
French terms
Official term
lame profonde temporal
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
lame profonde (paire)
Specific pair (formal)
ERR1 temporal
Left member
lame profonde e profonde xter du fascia temporal gauche
Right member
lame profonde e profonde xter du fascia temporal droite
TA98 French equivalent
a04.1.04.015 lame profonde
Spanish terms
Official term
lámina profunda de la fascia temporal
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
lámina profunda (par)
Specific pair (formal)
ERR1 de la fascia temporal
Left member
lámina profunda profunda xter de la izquierdo fascia temporal xter
Right member
lámina profunda profunda xter de la derecho fascia temporal xter
Russian terms
Official term
глубокая пластинка височной фасции
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
глубокая пластинка (пара)
Specific pair (formal)
ERR1 височной фасции
Left member
глубокая пластинка инка xter височная фасция
Right member
глубокая пластинка тинка xter височная фасция
Latin model
Origin term of the model
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis
Basic part
TAH1726 lamina profunda
Referenced noun
TAH11798 nomen lamina (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >lamina<
Referenced adjective
TAH13410 nomen profundus (nomen unspecificatus) >profundus<
Optional expansion TAH1724 fascia temporalis
Referenced noun
TAH12084 nomen fascia (nomen rei corporeae) >fascia<
Adjective expansion
TAH6017 temporalis
Referenced adjective
TAH12847 nomen temporalis (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >temporalis<
Universal formula N(12084),&F(1724)
Analysis of words
Term to be analyzed lamina profundafasciae temporalis
Syntax error Unsuccessful term analysis
Date: 10.12.2022