SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
Official Latin term | lamina profunda fasciae temporalis |
Official subsidiary term | deep layer of temporal fascia |
Unit identifier | TAH:U1726 |
Unit type | pair |
Materiality | material |
Latin terms |
Official term |
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis
Term status |
Universal term
Specific pair (display) |
lamina profunda (par)
Specific pair (formal) |
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis (par)
Left member |
lamina profunda asciae temporalis sinistrae
Right member |
lamina profunda asciae temporalis dextrae
Internal term |
lamina profunda
TA98 main Latin term |
a04.1.04.015 lamina profunda
English terms |
Official term |
deep layer of temporal fascia
Term status |
Universal term
Specific pair (display) |
deep layer (pair)
Specific pair (formal) |
deep layer of temporal fascia (pair)
Left member |
deep layer p layer of left temporal fascia
Right member |
deep layer p layer of right temporal fascia
TA98 English equivalent |
a04.1.04.015 deep layer
French terms |
Official term |
lame profonde temporal
Term status |
Universal term
Specific pair (display) |
lame profonde (paire)
Specific pair (formal) |
ERR1 temporal
Left member |
lame profonde e profonde xter du fascia temporal gauche
Right member |
lame profonde e profonde xter du fascia temporal droite
TA98 French equivalent |
a04.1.04.015 lame profonde
Spanish terms |
Official term |
lámina profunda de la fascia temporal
Term status |
Universal term
Specific pair (display) |
lámina profunda (par)
Specific pair (formal) |
ERR1 de la fascia temporal
Left member |
lámina profunda profunda xter de la izquierdo fascia temporal xter
Right member |
lámina profunda profunda xter de la derecho fascia temporal xter
Russian terms |
Official term |
глубокая пластинка височной фасции
Term status |
Universal term
Specific pair (display) |
глубокая пластинка (пара)
Specific pair (formal) |
ERR1 височной фасции
Left member |
глубокая пластинка инка xter височная фасция
Right member |
глубокая пластинка тинка xter височная фасция
Latin model |
Origin term of the model |
lamina profunda fasciae temporalis
Basic part |
TAH1726 lamina profunda
Referenced noun |
TAH11798 nomen lamina (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >lamina<
Referenced adjective |
TAH13410 nomen profundus (nomen unspecificatus) >profundus<
Optional expansion | TAH1724 fascia temporalis |
Referenced noun |
TAH12084 nomen fascia (nomen rei corporeae) >fascia<
Adjective expansion |
TAH6017 temporalis
Referenced adjective |
TAH12847 nomen temporalis (nomen substantiae griseae systematis nervosi centralis) >temporalis<
Universal formula | N(12084),&F(1724) |
Analysis of words |
Term to be analyzed | lamina profundafasciae temporalis |
Syntax error | Unsuccessful term analysis |
Date: 10.12.2022 |